Saturday, July 21, 2007

About us- The people behind KATRINA BEAD™
Hi, My name is Curtis Lyons, creator of Hurricane "Katrina Bead" and "Hurricane Katrina - The Game the Government Played". And this is the true story.Our family like thousands of others lost everything when Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast region, and the aftermath of Katrina has cause more destruction,our government has shown lack of preparedness as itrelates to the country's readiness for such a majordisaster whether natural or man made.The government, which include city, state and federal,failed in preparedness, response and now failing inrebuilding. As once said by Ronald Reagan ourGovernment has not been part of the solution but partof the problem.The Katrina Game has been created by us, victims of thegovernment's games. We hope that this game shows thecountry how our government works, or rather doesn'twork. It shows that everyone and every country hassomething to learn and no country is perfect.The game is based on facts about of government andthe agencies that respond to such tragedies. We feelthis game teaches Americans to be more prepared forsuch events. Also, it give families knowledge that willprove to be valuable if a disaster occur in your life.It says we need to be prepared because our governmentmay not be. I know there will be those who say thisgame is a slap in the face to our government and theprocess by which the U.S.A. operates and I say this,"I made the game, The Government played." Every card inthe game, is based on facts. So if it slaps someone ingovernment, another government agency did the slap,not me.We hope this game makes every American pay moreattention to our government, the process and laws andpolicies they pass. And we as Americans must hold themaccountable for their actions and lack thereof.Our government's lack of readiness cost the lives ofmany Americans, and we hope the lesson in this gamesaves lives next time disaster strike our country.We also have the Katrina Bead, which we feel is a wayfor our fellow Americans who share some of the sameconcerns and who would love to help us keep thismessage going can support us. We ask that you purchaseone or more of the items from our site to allow us tokeep the awareness going, that we as American must beprepared, because our lives may depend on it.We know that the Katrina Bead is a small way to help, and we urge you to purchase one and place atyour workplace, or in your car and when friend orco-workers ask what it is, you can myreminder to always be prepared, and never forget thosewho lost their lives because of a lack of preparedness.Thanks for your support,Curtis B Lyons and Family

(prices do not include tax, applied where applicable)
© 2007 KatrinaBead. All rights reserved.Site designed and maintained by SonLight Productions

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This site was updated today,
Saturday 28 July 2007 10:02 AM

GET YOUR KATRINA BEAD™Price is $6.00 and includes shipping

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